Manufacturer & Supplier of Precision Machined Components
R.D.Enterprises is a reputable business with a track record of
success that specialises in the production and sale of precision
machined components. Machined Components has advanced for the
corporation ever since its promotion.
Company established in 1997 as a small scale in Pavana Industrial
Premises with labour charges & tool room work of 90% & 10 % with
material work. Expansion of 20k sq. ft. in Chakan MIDC,Phase -II,Pune.
Certified to ISO 9001-2015. Present business structure is 96% with
material work & 4% with labour charges / Tool room work.

Our Vision
Zero defect company by year 2024 - 2025.
Increase customer base from 3 to 7.
Use of advanced technology in manufacturing.

Our Mission
We as R.D.Enterprises precision machined components manufacturing at multi location company, having 20 Nos. of customers base all over India having zero defect products with cost competitiveness advanced Manufacturing facilities and highly motivated team of employees.
Our Products
We would like to take this oppurtunity to introduce ourselves as a company that manufacture & supply of following machined components.